Software Engineering Track – Call for Papers


Submission and publication: Ongoing

Track editors: Jeff Carver (University of Alabama) and Damian Rouson (Sourcery Institute)

As the importance and prevalence of scientific software grows, there’s a corresponding need for appropriate software engineering practices to help ensure long-term sustainability. A growing body of literature demonstrates the interest of scientific developers in advancing the software engineering practices of scientific disciplines. Recognizing that the development of scientific software differs significantly from the development of other software, the goal of this track is to provide a venue for the publication of work at the intersection of science and software engineering. Scientific software includes software that falls into these categories:

  • Applications where the focus is on solving scientific or engineering problems. These
    applications range from large, parallel models and simulations of the physical world—typically
    utilizing high-performance computing systems—to smaller-scale simulations developed by a
    single scientist or engineer on a single desktop or laptop computer.
  • Libraries where the goal is to provide software to support other scientific software.
  • Frameworks that guide scientific application development, such as systems for building, analyzing, tuning, testing, and documenting scientific software, and systems for managing or manipulating large amounts of data produced by or for the scientific software domain.

We encourage submissions from both the software engineering and science communities. Topics of interest include the following:

  • Experiences in adapting programming paradigms to the requirements of scientific applications
  • Descriptions of major design and development decisions and the associated trade-offs that shaped newly released or refactored software relevant to scientific applications
  • Case studies of development methodologies used in scientific software
  • Measures of software development productivity appropriate to scientific software
  • Lessons learned from the development of scientific software
  • Software engineering metrics and tool support for scientific software
  • The use of empirical studies to better understand the environment, tools, languages, and processes used in the development of scientific software and how they might be improved
  • Verification and validation techniques specifically targeted at scientific software

Note that this track is fully peer-reviewed. Papers are expected to make a significant contribution to the
literature. Claims should be supported by appropriately rigorous validation. For work in earlier stages or
with lighter validation, authors may want to consider the Software Engineering for Science workshops
series (

Submission Guidelines

When writing your article, please refer to the CiSE-specific author guidelines and the general author guidelines. Articles for this track should not exceed 6,000 words, including all main body, bibliography, biography, and table text. Each table and figure counts for 250 words. Please submit electronically through ScholarOne Manuscripts, selecting this track option.


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