Submission and publication: Ongoing
Track editors: Lorena A. Barba (George Washington University) and George K. Thiruvathukal (Loyola University Chicago)
Since the year 2000, CiSE has published several influential pieces that have become part of the scholarly conversation about reproducible research. Now, we are making this topic a permanent fixture in our magazine with this new track. Reproducible research is defined as research in which authors provide all the necessary data and the computer codes to run the analysis again, re-creating the results. Replication, on the other hand, is defined as arriving at the same scientific findings as another study, collecting new data (possibly with different methods), and completing new analyses.
The Reproducible Research track seeks contributions of three types: (1) long-form articles reporting on original research that followed rigorous reproducibility practices, which will be peer-reviewed using the normal process for general CiSE submissions; (2) short case studies reporting experiences in reproducing or replicating past computational work (successes or failures)—we especially invite researchers in industry or national labs to contribute case studies—and; (3) briefs on libraries, tools, and techniques.
Peer-reviewed articles in the RR track must adhere to special requirements. First, openness: any underlying code used to produce the results in the paper will need to be open source (under an OSI-approved license), all data will also be openly available, and the manuscript itself will be deposited in a preprint server before submission. Second, reproducible computations: any computational results will need to be reproducible by executing the author-provided workflow (in the form of input data, analysis code, plotting scripts, and so on). Authors will prepare a reproducibility package consisting of a file set that includes all the parts needed to reproduce each figure or result. Finally, articles will include an appendix reporting on the software engineering and data management practices followed by the authors and their collaborators.
Published by the IEEE Computer Society, CiSE features the latest computational science and engineering research in an accessible format, along with departments covering news and analysis, CSE in education, and emerging technologies.
We strongly encourage submissions that include multimedia, data, and community content, which will be featured on the IEEE Computer Society website along with the accepted papers. If your submission includes such materials, please let us know by e-mail.
Submission Guidelines
We encourage authors to e-mail a 250-word abstract to the track editors prior to submission to inquire whether the submission fits within the scope of this special track.
When writing your article, please refer to the CiSE-specific author guidelines and the general author guidelines. Authors are asked to submit high-quality original work that has neither appeared in nor is under consideration by other journals. All submissions will be peer-reviewed following standard journal practices. Manuscripts based on previously published conference papers must be extended substantially to include at least 30 percent new material.
Please submit electronically through ScholarOne Manuscripts, selecting this track option and including complete contact information for all authors. If you have any questions about submitting your article in ScholarOne Manuscripts, contact the peer-review coordinator at
Contact the track editors at