
Submission deadline: 1st October, 2019 (to Scholar One Manuscripts)

Publication: July/August 2020

Guest Editors: Joan Adler and Wei Quan (cise-04-20@computer.org)

This is a call for papers for an upcoming special issue of Computing in Science & Engineering (CiSE) to be published in July/August 2020. Today’s undergraduate science and engineering students usually start their studies with some computer skills, and often take a basic programming course. Some also use computers in experimental laboratories, and some are given codes to run to help in their core courses. However, real experience in numerical algorithms in their subject specializations is not always provided at the senior undergraduate/early graduate level.

For this special issue of CiSE, we invite you to submit papers about your computational science/engineering courses. There is much commonality between the different science and engineering disciplines but also some differences. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • relevant algorithms for the different disciplines
  • correct coding practices including code annotation
  • visualization
  • code validation
  • sample course syllabi and codes
  • evaluation—project versus homework exercises

The special issue will include four feature articles, each one describing practices in different disciplines and/or public domain vs. proprietary codes. Additionally, we will publish several shorter articles covering various aspects of computational science/engineering education. We do not wish to emphasize computer science as such, but rather computer use for research in science and engineering, including HPC use.

Submission Guidelines: We encourage authors to email the guest editors at cise-04-20@computer.org to ask whether their topic is suited for the special issue. The feature article topics must be pre-approved. Submissions for the shorter articles should include the researcher’s photo and CV. Please submit electronically to Scholar One Manuscripts by 1st October 2019, selecting the special-issue option “Computational Science and Engineering Education in Different Countries.”

When preparing your manuscript, please see the CiSE-specific author guidelines and the general author guidelines. Manuscripts should not exceed 7,200 words—including all main body, abstract, keyword, bibliography, biography, and table text—and 20 references. Each table and figure counts for 300 words. Articles should be understandable by a broad audience of computer science and engineering professionals, avoiding a focus on theory, mathematics, jargon, and abstract concepts. Accepted papers will be lightly edited for grammar and formatting.


Contact the guest editors at cise-04-20@computer.org