
It was the best of cloud computing and the Internet of Things, as far as tandem conferences go.

They’re called co-located conferences: The IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) and the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) held their 2018 gatherings the same week in the same venue, the Hyatt Regency in Orlando, Florida, in mid-April.

The best paper winner for IC2E 2018 was “OPTiC: Opportunistic Graph Processing in Multi-Tenant Clusters” by Muntasir Raihan Rahman (Microsoft), Indranil Gupta (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Akash Kapoor (Princeton University), and Haozhen Ding (Airbnb).

The best paper winner for IoTDI 2018 was “Cook over IP: Adapting TCP for Cordless Kitchen Appliances” by Shruthi Kashyap, Vijay S. Rao, R. Venkatesha Prasad (all of TU Delft); and Toine Staring (Philips Research).

Here are some social media highlights, culled from a Facebook page set up by IC2E and IoTDI. (By the way, you have to admire the creativity of C2 for “Conference on Cloud….”)

“The IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) conference series seeks to provide a high-quality and comprehensive forum, where researchers and practitioners can exchange information on engineering principles, enabling technologies, and practical experiences as related to cloud computing,” its website says.

The conferences are known for lively questions from participants.

The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) 2018 featured topics about “the entire ecosystem revolving around IoT, such as cloud and edge computing, data analytics, sensor networks, mobile devices, Internet architecture, middleware and numerous IoT applications,” its website says.

Many presentations drew near capacity crowds.

The exhibition of posters provides some of the most informative experiences outside the conference rooms.

Not to mention how the hallways often provide the best rendezvous for networking.

Was the teddy bear the charm?⠀
The winner of best poster at the 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) was “Who’s Watching Your Child? Exploring Home Security Risks with Smart Toy Bears” by Joshua Steriff, Sanchari Das, Andrew Leeth, and L. Jean Camp, all of Indiana University Bloomington; and Olivia Kenny of Bloomington High School North.⠀
Olivia is pictured here holding the smart bear. Or is the bear merely posing with the smart student?⠀


Speakers gave inspired talks.

Many awards and expressions of appreciations were exchanged…

…and the chance to socialize was ample…

…the spring weather was always inviting…

…and that Florida sunshine never disappoints.