Submission deadline: CLOSED
Publication: March/April 2018
As outlined in the 2015 World Economic Forum (WEF) report on the future of financial services, financial technology (FinTech) will have significant transformative impacts on financial industries such as banking, insurance, investment management, and securities. FinTech-related IT technologies include blockchain, advanced encryption, the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, financial software, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, surveillance, and counterattacks. Ongoing advances in FinTech and auditing and governance will drive disruptive innovations in the financial sector, presenting financial industries with new opportunities as well as threats, and posing some challenges.
The WEF report emphasizes six challenges to traditional finance services: payments, insurance, deposit and lending, capital raising, investment management, and market provisioning. Blockchain, a key technology leading to future FinTech market shifts, will become increasingly significant. DARPA also seeks to develop the “perfect” encryption app, one that will likely utilize a decentralized blockchain-like backbone, designed to be more resilient. Such technology could both enhance surveillance and better counter cyberattacks.
This special issue of IT Professional aims to present readers with emergent FinTech trends and potential future developments; critical challenges and issues; innovative approaches and novel solutions; and new financial applications. We are soliciting articles from industry, businesses, academia, and government on a wide variety of FinTech topics, including but not limited to the following:
- Blockchain
- Payments, including P2P payments and mobile payments/wallets
- Deposit and lending, including P2P lending, APIs, and risk warnings
- Investment management, including robot financial management and big data stock picking
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- the Extensible Business Reporting Language(XBRL)
- FinTech market provisioning using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big-data-related technologies
- Trends and developments in financial engineering
- Financial services cybersecurity
- Insurance for IoT applications, wearables, and shared services/economies
- Platform for (social) capital raising
- Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) policies and protocols
- FinTech case studies and perspectives
Feature articles should be no longer than 4,200 words with no more than 20 references (with tables and figures counting as 300 words). Illustrations are welcome. For author guidelines, including sample articles, please see
Submit your article at
Please send an extended abstract of the proposed article outlining major discussion points and key contributions to by 15 June 2017 for initial feedback from the guest editors.
For more information, please contact the guest editors:
- Maria R. Lee, Shih Chien University, Taiwan,
- George Hurlburt, STEMCorp,
- David C. Yen, SUNY at Oneonta,