The newly formed IEEE Student branch of the University of West Attica (UWA) honored the 20 years of IT Professional magazine, by organizing an event to highlight the contribution of the magazine in the fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and at the same time invite new members to join the IEEE SB of UWA. The event hosted an open competition in which the participants were asked to propose, develop and present ideas for a course on a Summer or Winter School, based on material from articles presented in IEEE IT Professional, published over its 20 years. The comprehensive and easy to search website, curated and maintained by Zeljko Obrenovic ( was be used in order to support the contestants. From of the ideas proposed, three were selected and presented in ten-minute lightning talks on Monday, December 10, 2018 at the Hadjinikolaou Amphitheater of UWA, with the presenting students receiving a complimentary one-year IEEE student subscription.