CLOSED: Automotive Computing — Call for Papers


Submission deadline: CLOSED
Publication: January/February 2018

Guest editors: Jason Clemons (Nvidia) and Hsien-Hsin Sean Lee (TSMC)

Recent growth in computing capability has led to a surge of advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) features in modern automobiles that improve both safety and driving experience. Machine learning continues to fuel advancements in recognition and computer-vision technology that will eventually lead to autonomous vehicles. These autonomous vehicles will greatly decrease the number of collisions but will require even more computing and communication devices to be deployed in each vehicle.

This special issue of IEEE Micro will explore novel design and emerging computing technologies for automotive applications to improve the performance, usability, and real-time data processing capability for future vehicles. This issue will also explore technologies that aim to guarantee reliable and secure operations of future vehicles to enable autonomous driving. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Computer vision and image processing architecture
  • Recognition and learning accelerator-based architecture
  • Architectural support for ISO26262 compliance
  • Architectural support for design for operational and thermal reliability
  • Fault-hardened microarchitecture and system architecture
  • Security-proof architecture and intrusion detection systems for automotive
  • Architectures for real-time heterogeneous systems
  • Architectures for real-time path planning
  • Systems and architectures for vehicle communication systems
  • Autonomous driving and data service platform architectures

Submission guidelines

Please see the Write for Us page and the general author guidelines for more information. Please submit electronically through ScholarOne Manuscripts, selecting this special-issue option.


Contact the guest editors at, or the editor-in-chief at