Submission deadline: CLOSED
Publication: January–March 2019
Guest Editors
- Liang Zhou, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Inatel and Instituto de Telecomunicações
- Haohong Wang, TCL Research America
- Maria Martini, Kingston University
- Victor C.M. Leung, University of British Columbia
As multimedia systems, services, and applications increasingly become a part of daily life, researchers are exploring 5th-generation wireless communication networks on many fronts. 5G networks must accommodate higher mobile data volumes, user data rates, and numbers of connected devices, and at the same time offer lower end-to-end latency. New theories and technologies are producing diverse multimedia applications, including services for surveillance, entertainment and social media, voice and video, medical imaging, business transactions, and Internet-of-Things-based streams. Traditional multimedia communications and processing schemes can’t effectively compress, encode, transmit, process, synchronize, store, and mine all of this multimedia information, so there’s a growing demand for developing and designing theories, technologies, and applications for 5G multimedia communications.
This special issue solicits state-of-the-art approaches and technical solutions in the area of 5G multimedia communications. The issue will provide a compelling forum for researchers and practitioners to present their results. Original contributions (not under review by another journal) are solicited in relevant areas, including
- architectures for 5G multimedia communications,
- end-to-end QoE support for wireless and mobile communications,
- security and privacy in 5G multimedia communications,
- multimedia delivery over 5G wireless networks,
- compressing and coding multimedia data in the 5G environment,
- parallel and distributed computing for multimedia over 5G wireless networks, and
- novel and interesting applications in 5G multimedia communications.
Submission Guidelines
See the IEEE MultiMedia-specific guidelines and the general author guidelines for submission requirements. Submit electronically through ScholarOne Manuscripts, selecting this special-issue option.
Contact the guest editors at