CLOSED — Physical Computing: Flexible and Shape-Changing Interfaces — Call for Papers


Submission deadline: CLOSED
Publication date: October–December 2017

In his 1965 article “The Ultimate Display,” Ivan Sutherland envisioned a “computer [that] can control the existence of matter.” With recent advances in science and engineering, researchers in human-computer interaction have begun to explore this vision. The resulting flexible and shape-changing interfaces aim to leverage malleability as the primary means for interaction. The users or system are able to physically deform the interface as a means to input or display information.

Despite recent work, this HCI domain is still in its early years, and many questions have yet to be answered. For instance, the domain lacks implementations that go beyond fragile mechanical prototypes, field studies are very seldom, flexible and shape-changing interfaces are still very difficult to implement, and we lack the fundamental knowledge about users’ interaction with shape-changing systems.

Flexible and shape-changing interfaces also rely on the progress of adjacent research fields, including material science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering, to implement future shape-changing interactions.

This special issue aims to explore, among others, new technologies and tools to build flexible and shape-changing interfaces, studies of users interacting with these devices, flexible and shape-changing interaction techniques, and their applications. Contributions from diverse fields are welcome—including psychology, cognitive science, hardware and software engineering, design, or material science. Relevant topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to

  • Surveys of sub-areas of the this field
  • Innovations in technology for flexible or shape-changing interfaces
  • Architectures, languages, or software toolkits to support the implementation of flexible or shape-changing interfaces
  • Processes to support the design of flexible or shape-changing interfaces
  • Content design for flexible or shape-changing interfaces
  • Interaction techniques for use with flexible or shape-changing interfaces
  • Results from evaluations of flexible or shape-changing interfaces
  • Models of user interaction with flexible or shape-changing interfaces

The guest editors invite original and high-quality submissions addressing all aspects of this field, as long as the connection to the focus topic is clear and emphasized.

Guest Editors

  • Yoshihiro Kawahara, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
  • Céline Coutrix, CNRS and University of Stuttgart
  • Jason Alexander, School of Computing and Communications,  Lancaster University
    Submission Information
  • Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart

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