CLOSED – Call for Papers: Fabricating Pervasive Computing Systems

Call for Papers for IEEE Pervasive Computing
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Submissions Due: 17 January 2019

Title and abstracts due: CLOSED (by email to
Full manuscripts due: CLOSED
Publication date: October–December 2019

Rapid progress in digital system design, manufacturing, and personal fabrication will likely lead to the next technology disruption in pervasive computing. Computer-aided design tools for creating and simulating physical devices are becoming increasingly powerful and simultaneously more accessible for novices. At the same time, advanced 3D printing systems entering the home, office, hospital, and other everyday environments have the potential to elevate every user to a maker of products.

Pervasive computing has been driven over the years by technology miniaturization and the emergence of new context-aware assistive systems. In the near future, making these devices will require far less engineering effort. Lower printing costs, greater diversification of fabrication technologies, and the trend toward fully digital modeling are enabling makers to design systems with specific sensor, actuator, or interaction features. No longer is it necessary to create more than one system with the same design or feature set; instead, personalized functionality in hardware and software is possible.

This special issue intends to provide a comprehensive view of novel system design, manufacturing, and personal fabrication tools and techniques that directly advance pervasive computing technology. The guest editors invite original, high-quality submissions addressing all aspects of fabrication and making, including:

  • 3D printed devices with applications in pervasive computing
  • Novel personal fabrication methods
  • Personalized medical devices
  • Methods for printing body-conformal sensors and systems
  • Interaction with printed devices
  • Printed implantable computing systems
  • DIY biomedical and pervasive computing design methodology
  • Printed electronics for pervasive computing
  • Methods for sustainability
  • Methods for dealing with intellectual property

All articles must include thorough validation of the approaches used. Review or summary articles—for example, critical evaluations of the state of the art, or an insightful analysis of established and upcoming technologies—are also welcome if they demonstrate academic rigor and relevance.

Guest Editors

  • Oliver Amft, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
  • Jennifer Mankoff, University of Washington
  • Stefanie Mueller, MIT
  • Mary Baker, HP Labs

For more information, contact the guest editors at

Submission Information

Articles submitted to IEEE Pervasive Computing should not exceed 6,000 words, including all text, the abstract, keywords, bibliography, biographies, and table text. The word count should include 250 words for each table and figure. References should be limited to at most 15 citations (30 for survey papers).

Note that the magazine always welcomes submissions into its regular queue that cover the role of computing in the physical world—as characterized by visions such as the IoT and ubiquitous computing. Topics of interest include hardware design, sensor networks, mobile systems, human–computer interaction, industrial design, machine learning, data science, and societal issues such as privacy and ethics. Simply select the “Regular” option when submitting at (no need for prior abstract by email).