IEEE Software

0s and 1s abstract

Code Clarity

Naming conventions, which matter more to humans than computers, affect the ease with which users can find their way around when reviewing programming code. Rea... Read More »

On Computing

Grady Booch reads from his On Computing columns from IEEE Software magazine for this podcast on Computing Now. Give them a listen and join Grady as he discusses... Read More »

IEEE Software

IEEE Software‘s mission is to be the best source of reliable, useful, peer-reviewed information for leading software practitioners—the developers and managers who want to keep up with rapid technology change. The authority on translating software theory into practice, this bimonthly magazine positions itself between pure research and pure practice, transferring ideas, methods, and experiences among researchers and engineers. Peer-reviewed articles and columns by real-world experts illuminate all aspects of the industry, including process improvement, project management, development tools, software maintenance, Web applications and opportunities, testing, usability, and much more.