Dear valued Computer Society members and subscribers,
I’d like to thank you for your patience during the past couple of months regarding the delays in receiving Computer and the IEEE Computer Society magazines to which you subscribe.
In an effort to improve our operations and the tools we offer our editorial boards and authors, we migrated magazine editorial and production processes late last year to the IEEE Publishing Operations team.
In the process we have experienced some unanticipated delays as we’ve migrated our content, templates, and data to the new teams and systems. We regret that this has had an impact on our ability to deliver our magazines to you according to our established schedule. Please know that all publishing staff teams and volunteers are working closely together to expedite bringing you the high-quality content you’ve always expected from the IEEE Computer Society.
The December issue of Computer was just released, we expect January 2019 to be available in approximately three weeks. We are working diligently to get the remaining issues back on schedule, but it will take a few more months for that to happen.
We will send notifications for the IEEE Computer Society magazines you receive as they become available.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the delays.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best regards,
Robin Baldwin
IEEE Computer Society Publisher