
Cybersecurity Policy

Articles due to ScholarOne: 1 May 2019
Publication date: January/February 2020
Author guidelines: http://www.computer.org/web/peer-review/magazines   

During the next five years, significant new trends will emerge that change the landscape of policymaking as it relates to cybersecurity.  Whatever the driver of these changes—new technologies, threat types, or innovative approaches in government, industry, or society—there is a need to anticipate and prepare for them.  This special issue will focus on the future trends impacting cybersecurity policy, with a focus on elucidating the challenges, opportunities, and inter-dependencies that are just around the corner.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • How new technologies will affect cyber policy issues, for example, the impact of quantum computing on the encryption debate.
  • The case for increased emphasis or attention on under-served areas of cybersecurity policy, for example, data security for human genetic information.
  • Case studies or proposals for innovative ways to advance public-private partnerships for cybersecurity.
  • How artificial intelligence-driven cyber tools, both offensive and defensive, will change the landscape for cyber conflict.
  • The next evolution of digital disinformation threats and how societies can prepare.
  • Implications of emerging cyber threats to critical infrastructure, such as the risks posed to census databases or space assets.
  • New approaches to establishing international norms of responsible behavior in cyberspace or reducing the risk of cyber conflict between major nation states.
  • Proposed parameters or objectives for a “cyber moonshot” – a unifying national or international goal to improve cybersecurity in fundamental ways.
  • Trends that will aid or exacerbate prospects for managing vulnerabilities in software and hardware, for example,  artificial intelligence for safer coding.
  • How data sharing will evolve and implications of new laws on sharing, privacy, law enforcement, legislation, commerce, and partnerships.


Submission Guidelines

All submissions must comply with rules on what we publish.

Submissions will be subject to the peer-review methodology for refereed papers. Articles should run between 4,900 to 7,200 words, with a maximum of 15 references. Articles should be understandable to a broad audience of people interested in security and privacy. The writing should be down to earth, practical, and original. Authors should not assume that the audience will have specialized experience in a particular subfield. All accepted articles will be edited according to the IEEE Computer Society style guide. As this is not a research journal, please do not submit research papers.

Submit manuscripts here, or email the guest editors at sp-01-2020@computer.org for more information.


Direct any questions and submit abstracts to BOTH guest editors: