
Proposals due: 13 June 2017
Call for Papers online: 30 June 2017
Full papers due: 1 February 2018
Issue publication date: September/October 2018 

IEEE Software is soliciting proposals to guest edit the September/October 2018 issue on the 50th anniversary of software engineering.

The past 50 years have revolutionized the way we engineer software, from its initial inception to its operation and evolution. They have brought us new and improved methods, approaches, and techniques meant to engineer software systems that are built through continuously changing technologies and deal with rapidly evolving concerns.

We are soliciting theme issues proposals by guest editors (GEs) focusing on this specific topic.
The proposal should follow the template and the guidelines available at
www.computer.org/software-magazine/write-for-software, except that the theme issue’s topic is already given. Proposals should be submitted via EasyChair at easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeesoftware50yearst.

We would like to have one GE from industry and one from academia. We also encourage
geographical diversity of the GEs. To benefit from the widest possible dissemination, this
special issue will appear with a corresponding issue of Computer.

The proposals will be evaluated by IEEE Software’s editorial board, based on the following criteria: vision, proposed content, GE background, ability to attract submissions from influential authors, proposal quality, objectivity, and balance.

Editor in Chief: Diomidis Spinellis, Athens University of Economics and Business
Theme Issue Associate Editor: Henry Muccini, University of L’Aquila
Editorial board
Advisory board

Contact Henry Muccini (henry.muccini@univaq.it) or henry.muccini (Skype)