The IEEE Computer Society seeks applicants to serve as Editor in Chief (EIC) of its IT Professional (IT Pro) magazine (, for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2018. An EIC may be reappointed for a second and final two-year term after review.
IT Pro is a bimonthly publication of the Society and enters into 20th year of publication next year. The magazine covers a broad spectrum of areas including emerging technologies, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, smart systems, cybersecurity, data management, enterprise information systems and architectures, software and application development, systems integration, smart cities, IT applications, and practical insights, issues and challenges. It receives articles from practitioners and researchers and publishes articles that cross all these fields, defining the synergistic partnerships and interactions among them. The magazine’s primary readers are IT professionals, application developers, IT managers, academics, researchers and students.
EIC is a prestigious position and chairs and works with the editorial board consisting of international experts across the sub-disciplines of IT. The board is supported by many volunteer reviewers around the world. Major responsibilities of EIC include:
- managing the manuscript review process ensuring quality and timely evaluation of manuscripts and selecting suitable articles for publication
- seeking and reviewing special-issue proposals and deciding editorial calendar
- promoting the magazine and enhancing its value to readers;
- identifying and appointing editorial board members, with the concurrence of the Publications Board;
- helping to attract high-quality manuscripts from potential authors; and
- providing a clear, broad focus through promotion of personal vision and guidance where required.
Applicants for the position of EIC of IT Pro are expected to have a sound track record of scholarship and leadership in IT and computing and their applications. In addition, candidates must demonstrate the editorial and managerial skills necessary to lead the magazine and process manuscripts through the editorial cycle in a timely fashion. They must also be able to attract respected experts from academia, industry and government around the globe to the editorial board, and have clear support from their institution or employer.
The applicant is expected to communicate his/her vision and ideas to move IT Pro forward to greater heights, extends its reach and better engage and deliver value to the growing and diverse international community of IT professionals and researchers.
Prospective candidates are invited to submit their applications for EIC of IT Pro comprising of complete curriculum vitae, vision and a brief plan for the publication’s future, and a letter of support from their institution or employer (as a PDF file) by 1 March 2017. Send your application and queries, if any, to Bonnie Wylie,